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training resources Comprehensive Demand Avoidance (PDA) & Anxiety Management Facilitator Course Resource Demand Avoidance (PDA) ^0 Anxiety Management Facilitator CourseDemand Avoidance (PDA) ^0 Anxiety
Proprioception Signs and symptoms of Proprioception Difficulties Signs and symptoms of Proprioception Difficulties It is essential for professionals and
Proprioception Proprioception Processing Environmental Adjustments Proprioception Processing Environmental Adjustments Creating a proprioception processing-friendly environment involves designing a
Vestibular Signs and Symptoms of Vestibular Difficulties Signs and Symptoms It is essential for professionals and caregivers to be
Olfactory Olfactory (Smell and Taste) Processing Environmental Adjustments Sense of Smell Creating an olfactory sensory-friendly environment involves designing a space
Olfactory Signs and Symptoms of Olfactory and Gustatory Difficulties Signs and Symptoms It is essential for professionals and caregivers to be
Auditory Auditory Processing Environmental Adjustments Creating an auditory sensory-friendly classroom involves designing an environment that accommodates the
Auditory Signs and Symptoms of Auditory Difficulties Signs and Symptoms It is essential for professionals and caregivers to be
Visual Visual Processing Environmental Adjustments Creating a visual sensory friendly environment, is one of the easiest adjustments
Visual Signs and Symptoms of Visual Processing Difficulties Signs and Symptoms It is essential for professionals and caregivers to be
Tactile Signs and Symptoms of Tactile Difficulties Signs and Symptoms It is essential for professionals and caregivers to be
Tactile Tactile Environmental Adjustments Tactile Environmental Adjustments Creating a tactile sensory-friendly environment involves designing a space
Olfactory Easter Smoothies Let's experiment with taste and create these Remember, even just touching the ingredients is an achievement- you can make these but you don't have to taste them. And adults- remember to check for allergies and choking risks!
Visual Bunny Sun Catchers The perfect Easter craft activity that also develops the visual and tactile skills.
Visual Egg Tube Balance Can you balance all the eggs without making them fall? This simple game can develop many of the senses.
Tactile Easter Sensory Bags One of our favourite activities with an Easter twist! Create a lamb and make it wooly again, or make the bunny get the fur back on! Or even complete the Easter egg hunt.
Visual Egg Box Tetris A classic game made into a sensory activity. Problem solving, visual development, improving hand-eye co-ordination and proprioception, but more importantly- fun!
Auditory Egg Sound Matching Game Let's work on our auditory skill and see if we can match the sound in the eggs to the materials outside of the eggs
Visual Egg Maze Rescue Challenge Let's develop the hand-eye co-ordination and our proprioception skills, with this fun challenge. Can you retrieve the eggs from the maze?
Visual Growing Dragon STEM Create your own paper towel dragon and then experiment with water to see it grow and wiggle!
Auditory Dragon Dance Drum Once you have created your dragon puppet, why not create a drum beat for it to dance to? Or could you dress up using your dragon wings and dance too?
Visual Dragon Mobile Lie back and relax while you watch the Chinese Dragons spin. Maybe you can add sequins or glitter too!
Tactile Dragon Wings Get creative and design your own dragon wings before using your proprioception sense to move and make the wings flap!
Tactile Dragon Clothes Pegs A simple but great way to develop that fine motor sense but also the sense of force. Dragons, crocodiles, dinosaurs- let your imagination run wild! Can the animal "bite" the right answer to questions?
News Letters December Newsletter Congratulations and welcome to all the new Sensory Practitioners! This month I have 8 sensory winter themed activities!
Visual Snow Storm in a Jar STEM Experiment and watch this amazing chemical reaction. This perfect wintery activity is ideal developing the visual senses.
Visual Snowflake Peg Board Developing the visual sense, as well as hand eye co-ordination, this quick and easy winter themed activity is perfect!
Visual Exploding Snowman STEM Watch this chemical reaction and experiment to make your snowman creation explode!
Tactile Icy Ornaments Create these spectacular decorations simply using water (to turn to ice) and natural materials.
Auditory Jingle Bells Discovery Develop those auditory skills and find the missing reindeer bells! A fun, Christmas theme activity for those needing auditory input
Tactile Salt Dough Christmas Wreath and Tree decorating Develop those visual and tactile senses by decorating these simple and easy salt dough creations
Olfactory Christmas Scented Dough The smells of Christmas are very distinctive- cinnamon, gingerbread, peppermint. Why not create this fabulous scented dough to develop those olfactory senses as well and tactile and proprioception sense.
Tactile Fake Snow Sometimes real snow is just too cold- or we just don't get any! Well, we can still make snowmen and snowballs by using fake snow!
Taster Ear Defenders Advice and Guidance When people attend my Accredited Sensory Needs Practitioner training, one of the big discussions is about ear defenders and their use. When I am explaining about the auditory system, and the ear defenders, I refer to some recent NHS guidance that has changed. This post explores the guidance.
Lesson Plans Flanders Field Poem This lesson consists of six sensory activities to support the poem, and embed knowledge. This is ideal for ALL pupils. Combining English literature and history, learning through kinaesthetic and sensory activities.
Visual Light up Bonfire Can you create your own firework display using torches? Then we need a bonfire too! Using a milk bottle, tissue paper and a torch!
Olfactory Edible Sparklers Create these tasty, firework based snacks! Developing all the olfactory senses, this is a perfect "fun with food" activity
Visual Fizzing Firework STEM Time to experiment! See the chemical reaction as your very own firework fizzes and sparkles!
Visual Exploding Rocket Create your very own exploding rocket and develop those visual and proprioception senses.
Olfactory Firework Blow Art Create a beautiful piece of firework art while developing the olfactory sense and oral control and strength.
Auditory Firework Soundscape Can you create a firework soundscape? Experiment with different household materials to create sounds. Can you make a balloon sound like a whizzing firework? How loud can you make your fire works pop!? Can you create a crackling cracker?
Visual Fireworks in a Bag Messy play without the mess! Developing the proprioception force sense and hand eye co-ordination, can you get the sparkles in the firework?
Tactile Fireworks in the Sand This super simple, quick activity is perfect for both the visual and tactile sense. You can create fireworks in the sand, or why not use it as an answer board for maths? Or a tool to develop letter formation?
BSensory Autumn News Letter This month we have 11 autumn themed sensory activities for our members. Including visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory and proproception. There are also some really cool STEM experiments as well as some activities that can be set up and completed in one minute!
Visual Autumn Sensory Bottle We love sensory bottles, but why not create a falling leaf sensory bottle, prefect for autumn!
Auditory Spooky Sound Collecting Experiment with different materials to create spooky sounds. Using a sound recorder and everyday objects, see if you can create a spooky sound scape!
Tactile Construction Marrow Develop force and proprioception with this quick and easy activity. You can use a pumpkin, marrow, apple or squash. All you need is golf tees and a plastic hammer.
Olfactory Spider Feet PomPom Blow Develop the olfactory strength while having fun with this quick and easy activity
Visual Ghost Sensory Bottle Create this spooky sensory bottle and squeeze to see your ghosts float up and down.
Olfactory Spiced Biscuits Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ginger- amazing autuminal smells and tastes. Perfect to developing those olfactory senses while developing tactile and proprioception.
Tactile Pumpkin Gloop STEM Experiment with solid to liquid and difference forces with this pumpkin gloop!
Visual Bubbling Pumpkin STEM Experiment and observe this amazing chemical reaction and create this bubbling pumpkin. If you want to be really gross, carve the pumpkins face and watch the pumpkin vomit! Or paint the pumpkin black and add a handle to make a bubbling cauldron!
Tactile Pumpkin Slime Don't throw away those pumpkin guts from carving your pumpkin! Create this super gooey pumpkin slime with them!
Visual Leaf Light Catcher Explore nature and collect fallen leaves to create this easy leaf light catcher. Perfect for the visual sense.
Pre-made Sensory Circuits Sensory Circuit- Session Two- Gym Ball and Feet Mats !!FREE RESOURCE!! Welcome! Please ensure you have read the Sensory Circuit Cover Sheet before attempting any of the sensory circuit videos Ensure you have risk assessed the child/young adult, the equipment and the activity Sensory Circuits are carried out at your own risk
Sensory Circuits Sensory Circuit- Session One !!FREE RESOURCE!! Welcome! Please ensure you have read the Sensory Circuit Cover Sheet before attempting any of the sensory circuit videos Ensure you have risk assessed the child/young adult, the equipment and the activity Sensory Circuits are carried out at your own risk
Auditory Balloon Talk Create a fun communication technique to develop the auditory skills, particularly building resilience towards vibrations
Auditory Sound Balloons A great auditory and proprioception activity How does the force of hitting the balloon cause the sound to change?
Auditory Sensory Sound Bottles Classic auditory activity. Ideal for children to create their own bottle to their sound preferences.
Auditory Balloon Drums Let's experiment with volume of sound by creating balloon sound drums Using a mix of wide, tall, short and thin objects, create different levels of sound using the balloon drums
Auditory Sound Tubes Create a relaxing sound tube by using only 3 things! Toilet roll, tissue paper and dried ingredients like rice. Simple, quick and cheap but a fantastic auditory exploratory experience
Auditory Water Xylophone A simple but experimental sound activity Can you create a tune using just glasses and water- you can also add some food colouring for that added visual input
Auditory SENSORY DIET COVER SHEET Please ensure you read all of the following before carrying out sensory diets Sensory Diets are carried out at your own risk
Olfactory Food Shapes Star sandwiches, hexagon ham, cubed cheese- develop those olfactory skills and get creative
Olfactory Food Face Masks Having fun with food to discover different textures, smells and tastes. Enjoy a spa activity with homemade food face mask's
Olfactory Herby Dough Explore smells without using essential oils. This quick and easy recipe uses ingredients mostly found in the food cupboard
Olfactory Scented Dough Create your own scented dough to explore different smells as well as developing the tactile and proprioception senses
Olfactory Ping Pong Blower Develop those oral and proprioception skills and have fun with this quick and easy game
Olfactory Smelling Jars Experiment and discover which herb you enjoy. You can create your own pot by either following the video or simply using salt and pepper pots
Olfactory Food Kababs Discover different food textures and become creative by making your own food kababs
Olfactory Feather Answer Mix it up- hands up, writing it down, blowing the feather! Develop those oral skills to answer questions
Olfactory Bird Blowing Develop those oral muscles and breath control by creating your very own blowing bird
Tactile Sieve Threading Develop those tactile and proprioception skills with this quick, simple activity
Tactile Messy Cake Create your own "cake" and get messy! Using a cardboard box as the cake, can you create the perfect bake?
Tactile Balloon Squeezers Create your own regulation ball just to your liking. Like it soft- use flour, want it harder use rice and beans. Or just experiment with different textures to create your own
Tactile Cornflour Sensory Experiment Is it solid? Is it liquid? Experiment with this simple activity use the tactile sense to feel and find out
Tactile Sock Painting Want to create art but maybe don't like getting messy hands? Or want to create some cool patterns? This simple activity allows for variety in the tactile sense when painting
Tactile Engineer Box Can you complete the tasks inside the box? Ideal to complete messy tasks for those who would normally avoid
Tactile Ribbon Ball Either follow the video on how to create your own or use a holed ball and silk scarves, this is the perfect relaxing, tactile activity
Tactile Pool Noodle Activity Combining that hand/eye co-ordination, concentration and tactile sense- how many can you stack?
Tactile Play-Doh Animals Can you create a counting bug? Or a dividing butterfly? Or a timetable dinosaur?
Tactile Mythical Slime Slime that is full of wonder and sparkle! Developing the tactile senses and the imagination
Tactile Frozen Flowers Combining science and the tactile sense. Create these frozen flowers for a scientific sensory activity
Tactile Feely Dice Roll the dice and feel the texture. Simple and cheap to make but great for developing the tactile sense
Tactile Feely Chopping Board Wall Create a sensory wall by using chopping board. Hang each chopping board on a hook and begin to explore the different textures
Tactile Texture Floor Tiles Textured floor tiles can often be very expensive. Why not create your own? Quick and easy and perfect for developing the tactile senses through the feet
Tactile Feed The Caterpillars Can you feed the caterpillars? Ideal for hand-eye co-ordination as well as the tactile sense
Tactile Body Brushes Experiment with different brushes and force on different parts of the body for this full body sensory experience
Lesson Plans Sensory Eid/Celebrations This week we are looking at celebrations and sensory. These activities are based around Eid, but they can be used for a number of religious celebrations.