BSensory Autumn News Letter

This month we have 11 autumn themed sensory activities for our members. Including visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory and proproception. There are also some really cool STEM experiments as well as some activities that can be set up and completed in one minute!

BSensory Autumn News Letter

The nights are getting darker and the weather getting colder- it can only mean one thing- autumn is here!

This month we have 11 autumn themed sensory activities for our members. Including visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory and proproception. There are also some really cool STEM experiments as well as some activities that can be set up and completed in one minute!

See all the activities below, or find them in our library of senses.

Enjoying these resources? Don't forget to share the word to friends, families and professionals.

Happy October

Beth :-)